Person introduction
Boris Sowa, M.D., Ph.D
I would like to introduce myself to you in more detail so that you can get a comprehensive picture of me and my work.
Person introduction
I would like to introduce myself to you in more detail so that you can get a comprehensive picture of me and my work.
Specialist in shoulder endoprosthetics, replacement of shoulder endoprostheses, minimally invasive / arthroscopic shoulder surgery, shoulder instabilities
Lecturer at the University of Heidelberg, Germany
Certified Shoulder and Elbow Surgeon (DVSE)
Medical services
Surgical Therapy
Joint Replacement
Joint repair
Nonsurgical therapy
Medical education
2006 – 2012
Clinical career
Qualifications: Professional and additional skills, certifications
Scientific awards, scholarships
Society activites and function
Internationales Zentrum für Orthopädie
ATOS Klinik Heidelberg
Bismarckstraße 9-15
D-69115 Heidelberg
Tel.: +49 (0) 6221 983 190
Fax: +49 (0) 06221 983 199
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