Person introduction

Prof. Rainer Siebold, M.D.

I would like to introduce myself to you in more detail so that you can get a comprehensive picture of me and my work.

Specialist for knee surgery, knee arthroplasty, arthrosis, sports injuries

Lecturer at the Ruprecht-Karls-Universtity Heidelberg

In the well-known FOCUS list of physicians, Prof. Rainer Siebold has been recommended by patients and colleagues for more than 10 years as a proven knee specialist for arthroplasty, sports and pediatric knee injuries.

*Source: FOCUS 2010, *Source: FOCUS 2011, *Source: FOCUS 2012, *Source: FOCUS 2013, *Source: FOCUS 2014, *Source: FOCUS 2015, *Source: FOCUS 2016, *Source: FOCUS 2017, *Source: FOCUS 2018, *Source: FOCUS 2019, *Source: FOCUS 2020, *Source: FOCUS 2021, *Source: FOCUS 2022, *Source: FOCUS 2023, *Source: FOCUS 2024

Knee replacement = knee resurfacing

  • Partial knee prosthesis (unicompartimental) in case of medial or lateral arthrosis
  • Total knee replacement (TKR) in case of severe arthrosis
  • In the case of severe damage, also computer-navigated knee arthroplasty

Joint repair

  • Biologic joint in case of cartilage damage
  • Cartilage cell transplantation (autologous chondrocyte transplantation, ACI)
  • Meniscus repair up to meniscus transplantation (donor meniscus)
  • Sport injuries: anterior cruciate ligament (ACL) reconstruction with patella tendon (soccer players), quadriceps tendon, double bundle technique with hamstrings, flat ACL reconstruction
  • Kneecap surgery in case of pain or instability
  • Leg axis correction
  • Posterior cruciate ligament surgery
  • Complex knee ligament surgery (internal and external ligaments, combined knee ligament revisions)

Knee injuries in children

  • Cruciate ligament, kneecap, cartilage, meniscus

Nonsurgical therapy

  • Cartilage injections for the treatment of arthrosis
  • Endogenous enzyme therapy in case of acute sport injuries (ACP)
  • Early functional post-treatment for integration in sports & work

1988 – 1995 Studies of medicine at the Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg

  • 1993 – Trauma Surgery, General Surgery, Orthopedics, St. Vincent Hospital, University New York, USA
  • 1995 – General/ Plastic Surgery, Orthopedics, Boston Univ. Hospital, Massachusetts, USA
  • 1995 – Orthopedical University Hospital Heidelberg, Physician Director: Prof. H. Cotta
  • 1996 – Orthopedical University Hospital Mannheim PhysicianDirector: Prof. L. Jani
  • 1997 – Doctorate / PhD thesis: Sport and Performance Medicine, Medical Clinic University Heidelberg, Prof. P. Baertsch
  • 1997 – General Surgery University Hospital Mannheim Physician Director: Prof. M. Trede
  • 2000 – Orthopedical University Hospital Mannheim Physician Director: Prof. L. Jani, Prof. HP. Scharf
  • 2002 – ATOS-Clinic Heidelberg, Center for Surgery of the Shoulder and Elbow , Prof. P. Habermeyer
  • 2002 – Orthopedic and Trauma Surgeon
  • 2004 Senior Physician, Knee and Shoulder Surgery Sports Clinic
  • 2008 Head physician at the Center for Knee and Foot Surgery, Sports Traumatology ATOS Clinic Heidelberg
  • 2009 – Habilitation at the Anatomical Institute, Ruprecht-Karls-University Heidelberg (Topic: Anatomical Double Bundle Structure of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament and Anatomical Reconstruction” Prof. Kirsch
  • 2014 – Professorship (APL)
  • 2018 – General Secretary of International Society of AOSSM/ESSKA/SLARD/APKASS Traveling Fellows (= Magellan Society)
  • 2019 – Member of Fellowship Committee of International Society for Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS)
  • 2001 – SICOT/SIROT scholarship Paris within the AE-Award
  • 2003 – Knee Scholarship, Warringal Private Hospital, Heidelberg/Melbourne, Australia, Prof. J. Bartlett and Prof. H. Morris (2003)
  • 2003 – Knee Scholarship at the La Trobe University, Bundora/Melbourne, Australia, Prof. J. Feller
  • 2004 – Australian Society for Sports Medicine and Sports Traumatology: Best presentation lower extremity: ” Transplant decision making for ACL reconstruction in female sports elite athletes.”
  • 2007 Honorary Member American Society of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine (AOSSM)
  • 2007 – “Sports Medicine Traveling Fellowship” to USA supported by the European Society for Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA)
  • 2007 – Pittsburgh Knee Fellowship, supported by the German Speaking Knee Society (AGA), Chair: Prof. F. Fu, Pittsburgh, USA
  • South German Orthopedic Association
  • German-speaking Working Group for Arthroscopy (AGA)
  • Knee Committee AGA 2008 – 2013 – Arthroscopy Instructor of the AGA since 2007
  • Joint Preservation and Osteoarthritis Committee AGA since 2014
  • German Association of Sports Physicians
  • Honorary member of the American Society of Orthopaedics and Sports Medicine (AOSSM)
  • Honorary Member Greec Arthroscopy Society
  • Honorary Member of the Latin American Society of Knee Arthroscopy and Sports Traumatology (SLARD)
  • European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy (ESSKA)
  • ESSKA “Member at Large” for Germany 2008-2010
  • President “Arthroscopy Committee” of the European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy
  • International Society for Arthroscopy, Knee Surgery and Orthopaedic Sports Medicine (ISAKOS)
  • Member of the Magellan Society
  • Member of the Australian Knee Society
  • Member of the Anterior Cruciate Ligament Study Group
  • Member of the International Cartilage Society (ICRS)
  • Co-Editor & Reviewer KSSTA Journal European Society for Sports Traumatology, Knee Surgery and Arthroscopy
  • Reviewer Arthroscopy Journal
  • Reviewer American Journal of Sports Medicine (AJSM)
  • Knee talk on ARD Buffet on the topic “Meniscus” followed by a live expert chat with Prof. Siebold from 15.02.2022
  • Interview on ARD-Buffet on the topic “Knee surgery: (When) is it really necessary?” followed by a knee discussion from 12 August 2021
  • TV report in the ZDF consumer magazine Volle Kanne on the topic of “Meniscus tear” from 19.01.2021
  • Interview on ARD-Buffet on the topic “Cartilage damage in the knee – What helps?” from 19.01.2021
  • Publication on the subject “Repairing cartilage defects with cartilage”. published in OrthoPress 03/20 (this link leads to the online edition) of 06.07.2020
  • Surgery video forMinimally invasive partial knee joint replacement (“sledge” prosthesis”)from 30.06.2020
  • Interview on ARD Buffet on the topic of “Meniscus” from 10.12.2019
  • Study in the newspaper Orthopädische Nachrichten on the subject of pain/ arthrosis with the title “Arthroscopic Second-look” (PDF) September 2019 issue
  • CODON report and interview aboutthe medical intervention (cartilage cell therapy) at one of today’s best german one hockey player from 21.10.2019
  • Interview on ARD-Buffet on the topic “When do I need an artificial joint?” from 07.05.2019
  • Guest in the radio program SRW2/ Impulse on the topic The alternative to the artificial knee joint (this link is unfortunately no longer available) from 24.04.2019
  • Surgery video for Medacta M-ARS reconstruction (flat cruciate ligament replacement with semininosus tendon) dated 04.09.2019
  • Interview on ARD Buffet on the topic of “Meniscus” from 10.12.2019
  • Surgery video for “Valgus tibial plateau repositioning osteotomy” from 25.07.2017
  • Surgery video for “Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Double Bundle Technique with Knee Flexor Tendons”. from 18.07.2017
  • Surgery video for “Anterior Cruciate Ligament Reconstruction in Single Bundle Technique with Patellar Tendon”. from 18.07.2017
  • Surgery video for Suture Basket handle tear Inner meniscus Posterior horn Suture of a basket handle tear of the medial meniscus in the area of the posterior horn to pars intermedia from 18.07.2017
  • Surgery video forAutologous cartilage cell transplantation lateral femoral condyle Autologous cartilage cell implants (ACI) lateral femoral condyle and arthoroscopic control “second look” 18 months after implantation from 18.07.2017
  • Surgery video for Meniscus repair with donor meniscus (outside)from 06.12.2016
  • Surgery video for Meniscus repair with donor meniscus (inner side)from 01.12.2016
  • Interview on Rhein-Neckar-Fernsehen aboutAtos Castle Meeting” from 11.11.2016
  • Interview on Rhein-Neckar-Fernsehen for TELEMED aboutNews on the topic of cruciate ligament tearfrom 03.03.2016
  • Presentation at the ATOS Clinic on the topicAnatomical anterior cruciate ligament replacement in double-bundle techniquefrom 16.05.2011
  • Surgery video for Actifit® Medialfrom 19.09.2000
  • Surgery video for Anatomical anterior cruciate ligament replacement in double-bundle techniquefrom 16.09.2009

Rainer Siebold –


  • B. Friedmann, R. Siebold, P. Bärtsch. Vergleich der anaeroben Leistungsfähigkeit von 400m- und Langstreckenläufern unter Anwendung unterschiedlicher Meßmethoden. Deutsche Zeitschrift für Sportmedizin 1996, 47: 379-384, 389-390
  • R. Siebold. Promotion: Messung der anaeroben Kapazität und der sympathoadrenergen Aktivität bei kurzzeitiger hochintensiver Laufbelastung. Medizinischen Klinik und Poliklinik, Universität Heidelberg Abt. für Sport- und Leistungsmedizin, Ärztlicher Direktor: Prof. Dr. med. P. Bärtsch, 1997
  • G. Strobel, B. Friedmann, R. Siebold, P. Bärtsch. Effect of severe exercise and plasma cate-cholamines in differently trained athletes. Med Sci Sports Exerc (USA) 1999, 31(4):560-565

Complete publications list of Prof. Rainer Siebold, MD